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Buying via Polar


Polar offers a few different ways to sell digital products. In this guide, we'll go through & cover the most basic approaches using the Storefront, Checkout Links, Embedded Checkout and API.


Checkout from storefront

A Polar Storefont is a hosted store for your organization. It's an easy way for you to drive traffic and sell your products without the hassle of dealing with your own store implementation.

Storefronts are disabled by default. Head to the Organization Dashboard and click "Storefront" in the Navigation. In there, you'll find the option to enable it. Once done, your storefront is available at<organization-slug>

Every product-page has a checkout form inline where users can purchase your product directly.

Checkouts Links are an easy way to sell your products: you just need to share this URL on your website or social media for customers to start a checkout.

Checkout Links can be created by pressing the "context-menu" button on the Products Overview Page. This will open a modal where you can select price and optionally set a success URL.

You can also optionally set Metadata: this is a key-value object allowing you to store additional information which may be useful for you when handling the order. This metadata will be copied to the generated Checkout object and, if the checkout succeeds, to the resulting Order and/or Subscription.

Checkout Links


Previously generated links will be displayed in this modal as well. Click on it to edit the success URL or metadata.

Embedded Checkout

Embedded Checkout

Embedded Checkout allows you to include Polar's Checkout and sell your product directly on your website.

You can either copy and paste our code snippet to get up and running in a second or use our JavaScript library for more advanced integrations.

Code snippet

The code snippet can be used on any website or CMS that allows you to insert HTML.

First, create a Checkout Link as described in the previous section. The code snippet can directly be copied from there by clicking on Copy Embed Code.

The snippet looks like this:


This will display a Purchase link which will open an inline checkout when clicked, like the following: Purchase Test Product


You can style the trigger element any way you want, as long as you keep the data-polar-checkout attribute.

Import library

If you have a more advanced project in JavaScript, like a React app, adding the <script> tag may not be an option. In this case, you can install our dedicated library.

npm install @polar-sh/checkout

Then, you should import the PolarEmbedCheckout helper class and manually call PolarEmbedCheckout.init(). This will add the required handlers on elements having the data-polar-checkout attribute.

Here is an example in React:

import { PolarEmbedCheckout } from '@polar-sh/checkout/embed'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

const PurchaseLink = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  return (

export default PurchaseLink

Enabling Wallet Payment Methods (Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.)

By default, wallet payment methods such as Apple Pay and Google Pay are not enabled when embedding our checkout form into your website. For security reasons, your website domain needs to be manually validated.

To enable wallet payment methods on your website, please email us with your organization slug and the domain you wish to allow.


If you want to integrate more deeply the checkout process with your website or application, you can use our dedicated API.

The first step is to create a Checkout session. For this you'll need at least your Product ID.


You can retrieve your Product ID from Products in your dashboard, click on "context-menu" button in front of your product and click on Copy Product ID.

The API will return you an object containing all the information about the session, including an URL where you should redirect your customer so they can complete their order.

You can read more about this approach in our dedicated framework guides.